Thursday, December 3, 2009


   I have been trying to paint Kelcey in watercolors for the last couple of days. I was not getting anywhere and beginning to become frustrated. Yesterday I decided to try doing her in Colored Pencil. I am pleased with how this came out.  I used the paper as part of the picture so not all covered by CP.  This was done on Canson Pastel paper and I used the wrong side as it was not as rough.   I hope you enjoy viewing this and comments are always welcome.  I just started my other grandchild so will be posting it as soon as finished.


  1. Nora, what a great job with the colored pencil. You are so talented in any medium.

  2. Nora, this is a great portrait! Have you considered doing watercolor on a pastel sheet of paper and then going over it with rich soft pastels? You are outstanding with your drawings. Isn't it wonderful to create art in this stage of our lives?

  3. This is a wonderful portrait, I love the colored paper showing through, nice job

  4. Thankyou Ann

    Thankyou too Nora for the idea, I have never painted on pastel paper before.

    Thankyou Krista
